What are your hopes for this month?
I hope to be classed to an institution that I want to be at. I am going up for security review, and I am being dropped to a level three. I am hoping to get to Warren or Ross, so that I can be comfortable. It’s pretty laid back there.
What do you wish to accomplish at the level three prison?
Well, I want to get into a couple of programs that are not offered here at a level four. I want to get into a dog program, so that I can train dogs for those that need a reliable pet.
What are your hopes for the next five years?
I want to hopefully get a college degree. I want to continue the paralegal programs that I’m doing now and hopefully a Bachelor’s degree in psychology.
Do you still see yourself in prison five years from now?
Yeah, but on the verge of getting some good news and hopefully an out date.
What would a “dream out date” be for you?
(chuckles) Today. What do you mean? (chuckles)
Well, what would be a “dream out date” that is realistic?
Right now my parole date is in 2061. A dream out date would be in 6 more years when I have 15 years in. Hopefully, with people like you I will achieve that date.
What if you don’t? How do you deal with getting your hopes crushed?
I would probably go nuts. I don’t know what I would do. I’d be lost.

Do you think that the love of the people closest to you will keep you motivated to fight for your freedom?
To be honest, I don’t know, because if I had to do more years in here, I’d want to push them away, so they wouldn’t have to be in this terrible world with me. […] But I will keep fighting to get home to them, especially to the woman I love.
What about the woman you love? What are your dreams with her?
I want to spend my life with her. I want to be there every second with her. I want to see when she wakes up in the morning, and I want to whisper in her ears –every morning- “I love you, Steffi.” I want us to build a life together, start a family, build a beautiful home, and have everything that everybody dreams about. Also, refer to the bucket list. (chuckles)
What would your dream home and family look like?
I want my dream home to be somewhat like a stone cottage, but I want it to be more like a earthy place inside. Somewhat like a modern day cabin. I want to do the whole inside with wood, except a couple of rooms. I want to have a big backyard for my kids. I want it to be in a great place with great schools for our kids. My son will probably look a lot like me, and my daughter will look like her beautiful mother. As you can see, I only want two kids. A boy and a girl. Their names would be Aidan and Sofia.
What would a day in your dream life on the outside look like?
It would just be relaxing…watch a great movie, feed my kids a beautiful meal, tuck them in at night. Throughout the day I would probably take them to the park while walking hand in hand with my beautiful wife. As we watch our kids play on the swings, me and my wife start talking about how amazing they are and how lucky we are to have them. Those are my dreams for now. I could probably think of a lot of things once I come home.
Bucket List
Make love to the woman I love and spend a whole week in bed with her
Finally visit my family
Most definitely more sex with the woman I love (chuckles)
Start planning my life with her
Find a job that I like
Save up enough money to go skydiving
Go and get a well needed massage
Find a 1970 olds cutlass convertible and rebuild it
Make some babies (chuckles)
Wake up in the mornings and fix my beautiful children and my beautiful wife a great, great breakfast